Ayakashiko Wiki


Kii is one of the Ayakashi's living inside the house and youngest one among of them. She is a very spoiled child and always gets taken care of Mahoro everyday.


Kuuko is one of the Ayakashi's living inside the house and has the most knowledge among of them. She likes to prank Mahoro with her illusion and mostly causes trouble everyday.


Yukime is one of the Ayakashi's living inside the house and is always calm. She is the most behaved among of them and doesnt talk too much.


Nene is an originally a cat that turned into Ayakashi as a nekomata. Mahoro likes to pat her a lot when there's a chance on time or when Nene is sleeping.


Emi is a transferee student from Osaka and became friends with Mahoro due to her wanting to see Ayakashi just like Mahoro.